303 E B St, Ontario, CA, 91764, US
The City of Ontario
Application for Alarm System Permit
Please fill out all required information to prevent any delay in accepting your Application
Commercial: $25.00 Residential: $25.00
Applicant/Location Information
** Please Select any of the following if it applies to you:
Low Income
Billing Information
Same as Permit Information *if you checked yes, please skip forward to Alarm Information
Alarm Information
Safety Information
*The completion of this section is strictly voluntary in an effort to better ser you, the residents of Ontario. I you choose not to complete this section; it will not affect the validity of your alarm permit. Any information provided will be kept in a confidential dispatch data base to assist the Ontario Police and Fire Personnel with safety concerns when responding to your address.
Important Information for Alarm Users
City of Ontario, CA - Ordinance No. 3151
City of Ontario has adopted an alarm systems Ordinance concerning the regulation of alarm systems and police response to false alarms within the City. A 3rd party (Phoenix Group LLC) will be administering the notifications, billing (including on-line payment), collections, registration applications and processing for residential and commercial alarm systems, as well as the collection of fines and fees related to false alarms.
"Alarm system" means a device or series of devices, which emit or transmit an audible or remote visual or electronic alarm signal, which is intended to summon Police response. The term includes hardwired systems, surveillance cameras and systems interconnected with a radio frequency method such as cellular or private radio signals, and included Local Alarm Systems, but does not include an alarm installed in a motor vehicle or a system which will not emit a signal either audible or visible from the outside of the building, residence or beyond, but is designed solely to alert the occupants of a building or residence.
"False Alarm" means an Alarm Dispatch Request to the Police Department, which results in the responding officer finding no evidence of a criminal offense or attempted criminal offense after completing an investigation of the Alarm Site.
Permit Registration:
False Alarm Fine:
An Alarm user shall be subject to fines, depending on the number of false alarms within the preceding 12 months, based upon the below schedule.
Robbery – Registered/Non-registered location Fine Schedule
$200.00 each
Panic – Registered/Non-registered location Fine Schedule
$100.00 each
Burglary – Registered location Fine Schedule
$322.00 each
Burglary – Non-registered location Fine Schedule
All fines are due within 30 days from the invoice date.
Note: Permit is not approved until payment is received and reviewed by the alarm administrator.
To Process Your Payment, Please Visit
** After clicking submit, you will be redirected to the final application to review your data and inital that you have read and reveiwed the above notification and that you have answered all questions honestly and truthfully to the best of your knowledge.